Gavi's Kinderblossoms

A Peek Into Kindergarten at The Solomon Schechter Day School of Greater Hartford

Veterans Day and Rosh Chodesh Kislev!

on November 12, 2013


Monday was a very busy day in Kindergarten. We Celebrated a belated Rosh Chodesh with the EC 4 Class for the month of Kislev, as well as Veterans Day with our First Grade friends!

For Rosh Chodesh we had a Havdalah service where we lit the Havdalah candle, and said the prayer for it as well as the grape juice and spices. After the service, we discussed the holiday that takes place in Kislev: Hanukkah! We talked about lighting candles and our favorite things about Hanukkah. The top three were presents, spending time with family and eating latkes and donuts. After our discussion, we went to the 4’s classroom to have a Hanukkah dance party with glow sticks because Hanukkah is the festival of lights.

For Veterans Day we went into our First Grade friend’s classroom to discuss some of the different types of Veterans: Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force and the reason for the holiday. We talked about how we say the Pledge of Allegiance every day and why. After our discussion, we talked about how Julie, one of the teachers in the 3’s classroom, is a Veteran, and we all said thank you! We ended our time together with a coloring activity where we colored the American flag as well as a picture of the four different armed forces we discussed.

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